
Whew....I'm tired.

I meant to post this yesterday, Ava was exactly 2 1/2 yesterday. So a big thing came about and November 18th was my deadline....Ava is potty trained! Thank goodness, I thought it would never happen, it was the month from hell but I'm so happy that it's done. I have to say potty training was the worst of all the things you have to do....worse than the bottle, the pacifier, the crib to bed, yes the worst, at least for me. But just the same after it's over it never seems as bad as when you were dealing with it in the moment. This is my first year that I get to be the host of Thanksgiving at my own house. I have cooked Thanksgiving twice before but never actually had it at my house, at my table so I'm pretty excited. My great grandpa died last month and my grandma gave me her mothers china, it's old fashioned of course, but really pretty so I'm using that. I just love this time of year, the smell in the air and family and lights and food haha....no really it's just the best. I am also getting ready to go to Washington D.C. for a weekend. Tyler's cousin is getting married in the Washington temple so I thought...hmmmm....I need to go. I can't wait to see all the sights and to go to a new temple but I can wait for the airplane ride. I absolutely hate to fly, it gets bad. I have to be drugged usually and I am not above making the flight attendant sit with me. ( That only has happened once). So we will see how I do, Tyler isn't going and neither is Ava so a little homesick I will be. Yesterday was such a nice day that I made Ty hang the all the Christmas lights...haha he really didn't want to do it this early but like I said I made him....also my first year with lights on my house so I'm a little crazy.

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